Yucatan cannabis planting, option to reactivate the economy of Maya communities

Activists hold various free workshops to provide information and training

The new regulation on marijuana would allow the towns of the interior of the state to grow the plant and denote the economy of their population, indicated the Southeast Cannabis Front (FCDLST)

Since 2018, the group has carried out various free workshops in the communities of the interior of the state to provide information and training on cannabis, demolition, stigmata, its cultivation, and the products that can be derived from the plant.  

The purpose is to demolish myths and stigmas that exist, in addition to helping the inhabitants to dedicate themselves to the cultivation and sowing of the plant on their lands so as not to sell their lands at low costs; in addition to starting businesses, and reactivating the economy of the Mayan communities.  

This March 20 they will teach the workshop on native microorganisms and organic cannabis substrates in Tekax, but they will still seek to form more alliances with other nearby residents.  

The Chamber of Deputies approved, on March 12, in general, the Federal Law for the regulation of cannabis, which allows adults the personal consumption of up to 28 grams of marijuana and authorizes the production for personal consumption purposes or in associations. of smokers, and legalizes the entire production chain. All of this will require permits and licenses. 

For Sahid Salgado and Alberto Centeno, founders of the front, the new regulation on marijuana would allow communities in the interior of the state to be able to cultivate the plant, denote the economy of their places of origin, through the sale of derivative products. , at the same time working their lands, saving the countryside that has been forgotten.  

The activists shared with La Jornada Maya, that first the group began to hold talks on the regulation of cannabis in Mexico, they supported with protection for consumption, then they deepened a little more work and began to take workshops to the communities so that they learn to elaborate products and market them.  

The vision, they added, is that a whole production chain can be created and the local economy can be boosted and that people do not have to export products to take care of their health.

Sahid explained that the workshops are intended for people to obtain knowledge and benefits, now by having up to 6 or 8 floors in their homes, they will be able to apply them in their own spaces. They could also work on the cannabis startups that might emerge and grow tent complete kit.  

To date, with their workshops, they have benefited more than 50 people, between men and women, from Ticul, Ixil, Motul and soon in Tekax; However, they clarified that they do not try to encourage adult use of cannabis, or excessive consumption, but on the contrary, they seek a communal benefit: informing the communities that there is already a regulation and how they could work for the well-being of their population.  

“Now they will no longer have to import the products, there is a channel to be able to make them, that the same community makes them with local hands and we seek to offer decent jobs, they would have nothing to do with drug trafficking: remove the idea of ​​the pacheco and smoke in the street, ”Sahid said.   

Alberto Centeno indicated that cannabis can become like beekeeping, but solidarity production, community development and agroecological schemes are needed. The native peoples have their lands and with this activity, they can use them and not sell them – as they often do – because they are told that it is not viable to work them, the agribusiness does not work. “Not with second-class citizens, and they don’t get in the way. If something is to be developed it has to be with them, not without them. The regulation is going to give the projects in the field something fresh, “he said.

Source: lajornadamaya.mx

The Yucatan Post