Yucatán, among the 10 states included in the tourism support program

For the project there is a stimulus that amounts to 2,500 million pesos

Yucatán is one of the 10 states whose tourist activity will allow it to join the federal program for Young People Building in the Future, which will have a section for 50 thousand young people dedicated to this industry. For this, there is a stimulus that amounts to 2,500 million pesos (mp).

At a press conference, Marath Baruch Bolaños López, Undersecretary of Employment and Labor Productivity, explained that said addition was possible thanks to a synergy between the state government and the Ministry of Welfare.

“It is a special program for economic reactivation and equipping the tourism sector with 50,000 young people who will receive (in total) a stimulus of 2,500 million pesos,” he explained.

The federal official said that this initiative will provide a “boost” to the economy that depends on this activity; At the same time, he highlighted the role that Mexico plays and its capacity in the matter, despite the fact that the numbers have dropped due to the pandemic.

Bolaños López predicted that, depending on the progress of the vaccination plan promoted by the government headed by Andrés Manuel López Obrador (AMLO), the figures recorded by the country – and the state – prior to the health contingency will be recovered.

In the same way, it alerted the sector to remain vigilant and prepared for the events of the coming months; and reiterated the need for them to have talent that triggers their economic activities.

He clarified that the program will not take place during the so-called “electoral ban”, so that the program does not lend itself to misinterpretations by the actors who will participate in the next elections on June 6.

For her part, the head of the Ministry of Tourism Development (Sefotur) of Yucatán, Michelle Fridman Hirsch, explained that Young People Building the Future for the Tourism Sector is a program aimed at supporting one of the groups most “hit” by COVID-19.

He recalled that the pandemic has affected not only tourism, but also the 133 branches that depend on it, such as the cruise line. Worldwide, he specified, 197 million jobs have been lost in this area.

Also, the state secretary of Tourism stressed that Yucatán has been one of the states that has most supported the sector, which in addition to the pandemic, has had to withstand the onslaught of the meteors that hit the entity last year.

In addition to the officials, the businessmen present – belonging to the tourism industry – agreed that the announced initiative will contribute to the reactivation of the sector, and will benefit both large consortiums and small companies in the region.

The meeting was also attended by Sefoet’s undersecretary of work, Agustín Menéndez Reyes; the president of Canaco-Servytur, Iván Rodríguez Gasque, and the president of the Mexican Association of Hotels of Yucatán (AMHY), Juan José Martín Pacheco.

Source: lajornadamaya.mx

The Yucatan Post