Tzotzil indigenous people detain elements of the National Guard and five federal officials in Chiapas


The arrest of 29 elements of the 43rd Battalion and the officials of the Ministry of Communications and Transportation occurred on the Cerro Huitepec; They were released after paying a fine of 40 thousand pesos

San Cristóbal de las Casas.- Tzotzil indigenous people detained 29 elements of the National Guard and five federal officials who were traveling in five trucks for several hours, at the time they verified the installation of “pirate antennas” for radio communication and that they did not have the permission of the Ministry of Communications and Transportation (SCT) for its operation.

The arrest of the elements of the 43rd Battalion and the SCT officials occurred on the Cerro Huitepec, where there have been radio communication and telephone antennas for several years.

In an official report, it was revealed that the GN elements accompanied the five officials to supervise the installation of the “pirate antennas” that do not have permission from the authorities.

It was then that the Tzotzil Indians proceeded to surround the elements and officials to tell them that their entry into the area was “prohibited”.

To proceed with their liberation, the Tzotziles asked Lieutenant Colonel Pedro Manuel Cortez that in order to leave the area they would have to pay a fine of 40 thousand pesos.

After operators of the federal government delegation collected the money, elements of the National Guard and the five officials of the Ministry of Communications were released. 


San Cristobal Post