Mexico will receive 22 million Chinese vaccines against Covid-19


The Secretary of Foreign Relations said that they are also seeking an agreement to bring vaccines for minors in Mexico.

Mexico negotiates an agreement with China to obtain more than 22 million vaccines from the pharmaceutical companies Sinopharm and Sinovac.

The Secretary of Foreign Relations, Marcelo Ebrard, commented that with this agreement it will be possible to obtain 12 million doses of Sinopharm, which will arrive in April, May and June, and will be applied to 6 million people

In a conference, he explained that an agreement was also reached for Sinovac, which is also China, to send 10 million doses, in addition to what was planned, for 5 million people. These will arrive in April, May and June.

CanSino entregará este martes a la Cofepris expediente sobre vacuna Covid-19  para su análisis: Ebrard | El Economista

“That contract will be signed with Sinovac between Tuesday and Thursday and it is presented to Cofepris for authorization so that it can arrive in Mexico the last week of March. That is good news because it is a guarantee that the vaccination plan will have its goals met ”.

He added that negotiations began to bring a phase three of vaccines for minors to Mexico. “Mexico is going to be one of the participating countries, anticipating what has to happen, which is that vaccination will go down towards minors.”

He reported that at dawn 3 million Cansino vaccines arrived in Mexico, so that there are already 5 million of this dose in the country, since 2 million of them had previously arrived.

The Secretary of Foreign Relations commented that they had already been delivered to Cofepris and it is estimated that before the end of the month the vaccine can be applied in a single dose.


Mexico Daily Post