Tourists line up to enter the new attraction of the Mazatlán Aquarium


The Pingüinario Mazatlán receives a large number of visitors on its first day of exhibition

Mazatlán, Sinaloa.- On its first day of exhibition, the Mazatlán Pingüinario has received a large number of visitors; During the middle of the day hundreds of tourists lined up to enter the new attraction.

To speed up entry, the lockers were divided according to the package to be purchased; to enter only the fish tank area, to perform the traditional tour only through the Aquarium, to enter the Aquarium and the Penguin or to enter the Penguin alone.

Numerous groups of families from Coahuila, Durango, and Nayarit visit the port for the first time and come with good expectations to get to know the aquatic area.

It is the first time we come, both to Mazatlán and to the Aquarium, we hope we like it Durango tourist

Turistas se 'sumergen' en el Acuario Mazatlán

Inés de Torreón, Coahuila, mentioned that she found out about the new attraction through an advertisement when she arrived in the city, which caught her attention and decided to visit it.

“When we arrived we saw an ad that said penguin and it caught our attention. I do not know it. It is the first time that I am going to enter; we bought the complete package to also enter the Aquarium,” he mentioned.

For Uriel de Nayarit, it is a very striking attraction, in his place of origin there are no such recreational spaces.

“It is something fun and recreational and fun for children also for adults. If a penguin is strange in a beach climate, but more than anything it will be adaptation because they come from a colder climate,” he said.

At the entrance there is staff taking the temperature and providing antibacterial gel, there is also a room for visitors to wash their hands before entering.

In pneumonia, charioteers, or walking, dozens of tourists continued to arrive at the ticket offices, some had to wait a few minutes due to the great demand for access.


  • Access to the fish tank area, museum of the sea, medusarium and botanical garden: 43 pesos children and adults
  • Access to the fish tank area, museum of the sea, medusarium, botanical garden and educational exhibits: adults 115, children 85 pesos
  • Access to the fish tank area, museum of the sea, medusarium, botanical garden, educational exhibits and Penguin: adults 145, children 105 pesos
  • The only exhibition of the penguin: adults 50, children 40 pesos.



The Mazatlan Post