Presidents of Mexico and Bolivia will commemorate the resistance of indigenous peoples in Champotón


López Obrador announced that the president of Bolivia, Luis Arce Catacora, will visit Mexico to accompany him in commemorating the resistance of native peoples to the foreign invasion.

Campeche.– President Andrés Manuel López Obrador announced that, on March 25, the first president of Bolivia, Luis Arce Catacora, will visit Mexico to accompany him in the commemoration of the resistance of indigenous peoples to the foreign invasion.

The ceremony will take place in Champotón, Campeche, in the context of the celebrations for the 500 years of the Independence of Mexico.

“On March 25 we will be in Champotón because events are being commemorated on the occasion of the 500 years of the foreign invasion and 200 years of our national independence,” he explained.

He recalled that these events already began in Cuilápam, Guerrero, Oaxaca, where Vicente Guerrero was assassinated; in Iguala, on February 24, where the Plan of the Three Guarantees, independence, union, and religion was proclaimed, and which was accompanied by the president of Argentina, Alberto Fernández.

“Now, we want to do the third act here in Champotón, because it is an act to commemorate, to remember the resistance of the native peoples.”

He explained that Champotón was chosen for the occasion “because one of the colonizers wanted to take Champotón and the people, the Mayans did not allow it; there was a battle and the Spanish invaders of that time were defeated ”.

He said that with this commemoration he wants to “remember that, in the face of invasions, conquests, our people have always known how to defend their dignity and independence.”

And he alluded to a colloquial expression of the entity: “take your Champotón”.

“A saying is used around here, when someone wants to abuse, they want to go out of line, they are told –I can’t make the gesture completely– but they are told: ‘Take your Champotón’, that has to do with our traditions, our customs”.

He anticipated that in addition to that event, he and the president of Bolivia will possibly visit the archaeological site of Edzná.


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