Weapons from Europe and Israel have accelerated violence in Mexico


Weapon manufacturing companies based in Europe and Israel exported more than 238,000 firearms to Mexico for the use of the state and municipal police between 2006 and 2018, a period in which state violence and homicides increased dramatically.

According to the report, Deadly Trade: How European and Israeli arms exports are accelerating violence in Mexico, these arms transfers did not lead to greater security for the Mexican population, since our country suffered more than 276 thousand murders, between 2006 and 2019.

Published by the Mexican Commission for the Defense and Promotion of Human Rights, the analysis emphasizes that killings with firearms are the type of homicide that has grown the most in Mexico since 2007, in both men and women, which constitutes 70.8 percent of intentional homicides in the first half of 2020.

“The discovery of mass graves in Mexico has become a daily occurrence: the authorities have reported 3,631 clandestine mass graves findings since 2006. There is a record of more than 73 thousand people reported missing in Mexico; of those, more than 56 thousand in the last ten years ”, the report indicates.

“By November 2020, more than 37 thousand bodies found across Mexico have remained unidentified. Added to that, the violence has forcibly displaced more than 346,945 people since 2006, ” the report says.

The report also reveals that, in 2018, six out of 10 women killed were killed with a firearm, that is, on average five women gunned down a day.

Source: El Financiero

Mexico Daily Post