Rehabilitation work on Gabriel Leyva Avenue progresses slowly


Mazatlán, Sinaloa (March 3, 2021).- The remodeling and rehabilitation works of Gabriel Leyva Avenue will not be finished until October, confirmed the Secretary of Public Works, Osbaldo López Angulo.

In the last week of February, the paving of the first section began which runs from Juan Pablo avenue to Héroes de Nacozari street, where Jumapam has already carried out the corresponding tests in the pluvial and sewage infrastructure.

The affectations are for the merchants in the area. Photo: Carla González│ El Sol de Mazatlán 

In a tour of the avenue, it was found that the paving work has not yet begun and the times to which the paramunicipal had committed in its intervention, which were 44 calendar days, had already been exceeded.

Without being “rush hour”, there is traffic jam and chaos; Drivers who travel in the right lane towards Jumapam take up to 20 minutes to pass the rehabilitation sector, while those who circulate in the opposite lane, from the entrance to Bonfil Park to Héroes de Nacozari street, maneuver to travel through the bumpy dirt road.

The main affected by the delays and the poor execution of the project, by intervening at the same time in the two traffic lanes, have been the merchants.

Photo: Carla González│ The Sun of Mazatlán

Some closed temporarily due to the low sales they had due to the closure of roads that obstruct the way for customers and suppliers.

Jumapam reported a couple of weeks ago an 85% progress in the installation of the sewage system and in terms of drinking water, 70%.


On November 20, the starting signal for the rehabilitation of the avenue was given.

Work formally began on December 7, 17 days late.

Source: OEM

The Mazatlan Post