Quintana Roo presents projects to trigger the southern economy

Some of them are the Plaza Bicentenario, the artificial Dos Mulas beach and the Calderitas Commercial Tourist Corridor

The head of the Secretariat of Economic Development (Headquarters) of the state of Quintana Roo, Rosa Elena Lozano Vázquez met with the Executive Committee of the Canaco Servytur Chetumal, chaired by Juan Jaime Mingüer Cerón, where the detonating projects of the economy of the south of the state, which in recent days were handed over to the municipal presidency of Othón P. Blanco, as well as the progress of the economic reactivation program and the financing program.

Parador Turístico de Calderitas | Últimas Noticias Quintana Roo

As part of the comprehensive strategy that will strengthen the economic reactivation of southern Quintana Roo, the Headquarters, in conjunction with a degree in architecture from the Technological Institute of Chetumal and a master’s degree in public sector economics from the University of Quintana Roo, developed a program of economic reactivation for the state capital, which includes various strategic projects and actions, which will benefit the entire entity, complementing each other in a duality with the northern area and its tourist potential.

Among these projects are: the advertising fencing of the Chetumal International Airport, the extension of the Subteniente López Boulevard, the Punta Estrella Walkway, the Plaza Bicentenario, the Dos Mulas artificial beach, the Calderitas Commercial Tourist Corridor, the Central de Abastos de Chetumal and the Industrial Park with Strategic Fiscalized Enclosure of Quintana Roo, projects that will make it possible to take full advantage of the economic spillover from tourism and the export capacity to the countries of Central America and the Caribbean.


Through the Financing Program, a portfolio of 165 million 895 thousand pesos has been placed, with 473 approved credits and 2,548 financing consultancies have been provided. Similarly, the Headquarters promotes virtual and professional training for businessmen and entrepreneurs, in alliance with different institutions, 1,010 trainings have been given benefiting 23,382 men and women throughout the state, as part of the Unit’s Training Program.

The south of Quintana Roo represents a great new market for the industrial sector, technology companies, foreign trade and logistics, driven by its tourist vocation and trajectory of economic growth, which allow glimpses of growth opportunities and economic diversification for the capital and the state, according to the agency.

The financing and training program can be consulted at https://comercio-local.qroo.gob.mx/financiamiento/ and https://comercio-local.qroo.gob.mx/capacitaciones/

Source: lajornadamaya.mx

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