In Veracruz, a young Oaxacan woman is saved from an attempted kidnapping


In her social networks, the girl named Mitzi Belén explained that she had been beaten by subjects who tried to put her in a private vehicle near the Veracruz bus station.

A young woman from Oaxaca who was about to be deprived of her liberty on February 20 near the Veracruz bus station, thanked on social networks for the dissemination of an alert with her voter ID to locate her.

In her social networks, the girl named Mitzi Belén, a neighbor of Salina Cruz, Oaxaca, explained that she had been beaten by subjects who tried to get her into a private vehicle; in the struggle, she lost his voter registration card.

Once safe and sound, the young woman explained what happened on social networks and thanked them for the support they gave her.

“Hello, I want to thank all the people who cared for me, who supported my mother, and were on the lookout. Today, thank God, I am already at home with my family, with many blows all over my body, but alive. This that happened to me was something that undoubtedly changed my life, two men wanted to get me into a car behind the ADO terminal in Veracruz and when trying to escape they beat me, they did not want to assault me, they wanted to take me perhaps to sexually abuse me, kill me and then shoot me , as they do with many women, “she wrote.  

“Thank God for the people, especially taxi drivers, who helped me. Today I am happy to be alive because I have a second chance and I can see my family, my friends, again. There were many messages and calls that I received from many people and I could not answer all of them, I apologize, but I hope you understand that I had no head to answer “.

Likewise, she assured us that she did not want any woman to go through a similar situation, she said that due to the context of violence that we live in our country, we must pay attention at all times.

“Let’s be vigilant and more when we are alone, see where we walk, not be with the phone, look around us, watch videos, take a self-defense course because we are no longer safe we ​​live in a world full of beasts that are only looking for its new prey “. 

It should be noted that the person who witnessed the scene and who found the credential spread the following message: “URGENT #ServicioSocial it is necessary to locate the relatives of Mitzi Belén B. Ms, a few moments ago they were beating her outside the #ADO of Veracruz, was rescued by people who were passing through the place, she is heading to the port of #SalinaCruz, #Oaxaca at this time please communicate with her #Nomasviolenciacontralamujer “.


Veracruz Daily Post