Traffic light goes back to yellow in Cancun, Quintana Roo


The transition to yellow on the epidemiological traffic light in Quintana Roo gives hotels and restaurants in Cancun, Riviera Maya, and other destinations, a light of hope towards SEmana Santa and Easter Week, a vacation period that is approaching, as they will be able to register occupations of up to 60 percent.

However, even with these new restrictions, some hotels and restaurants in downtown Cancun, for example, will not be able to reach even 40 percent, due to the low influx of tourists.

Roberto Cintrón Gómez, president of the Cancun, Puerto Morelos, and Isla Mujeres Hotel Association (Ahcpm & Im), pointed out that the change in the traffic light speaks very well of the handling that has been given to the pandemic in the state of Quintana Roo.

He added that the yellow traffic light will also pay for an increase in capacity in business tourism, which was reactivated a few weeks ago. “This generates confidence among travelers, who in times of pandemic seek safe destinations to vacation, especially in this upcoming season,” he explained.

Finally, the hotel leader insisted on the need not to lower our guard and continue to comply with all prevention protocols to avoid an upturn in coronavirus cases that leads to returning to the orange traffic light or worse, to confinement.

Source: Reportur

The Cancun Post