Drug traffickers caught in Yucatan are members of AMLO’s National Guard


MÉRIDA, Yucatan (February 22, 2021).- As we posted yesterday on The Yucatan Post, a drug bust took place in Yucatan, where 450 kilos of marihuana and 15 kilos of crystal meth were seized by the State Police. It turns out that the two criminals detained carrying the shipment are members of AMLO’s National Guard.

These men were detained on the federal highway Campeche-Mérida, within the state of Yucatán, in possession of almost half a ton of marijuana, the institution confirms the facts and irrefutably condemns the actions of these two agents.

In this regard, the Internal Affairs Unit of the National Guard has been instructed to collaborate widely with the corresponding authorities in the integration of the investigation file to determine responsibilities.

The National Guard reiterates once again its rejection of any conduct that is far from the observance of the law and that unfortunately damages the image of this noble institution due to the misconduct of some of its members.

In this sense, there is no doubt that all those officers that do not adhere to the framework of legality and unrestricted respect for human rights will be sanctioned by all legal and administrative channels.

Thus, the institution reiterates its commitment to reinforce its values ​​and the spirit of service demanded by the people of Mexico, under the principles of legality, objectivity, efficiency, professionalism, honesty and respect for human rights established in the Political Constitution of the United States of Mexico.

Source: Yucatan Ahora

The Yucatan Post