Mass graves found in Veracruz and Sonora


In Veracruz, investigators from the National Search Commission found three graves containing human remains and plastic bags on an island with mangroves, authorities reported. It was also announced that at least half a dozen bodies were found in shallow graves in Sonora.

Resultado de imagen de Hallan fosas comunes en Veracruz y Sonora

Veracruz.- At least half a dozen bodies have been found buried in shallow graves in Sonora, while in the state of Veracruz, experts and police discovered at least three mass graves on an island with mangroves, authorities reported Thursday. 

Sonora prosecutors said a search team made up of volunteers found the site of the clandestine graves in the town of Cajeme, which was subsequently excavated by police and experts. Two corpses and four sets of skeletal remains were recovered from the graves.

Resultado de imagen de fosas sonora

In Veracruz, investigators from the National Search Commission found three graves that contained human remains and plastic bags. At the moment the number of bodies that were found has not been determined. 

Volunteer search groups, which are generally made up of relatives of missing persons, have played an important role in the discovery of clandestine graves in Mexico. 

For her part, Lucía Díaz, an activist with the Solecito Collective group, said she was surprised that the criminals had taken the trouble to use the mangrove to dispose of the corpses. 

Veracruz Daily Post, The Sonora Post