Forest fire in the State of Mexico under control


The Forest Protection Agency Protectora de Bosques of the State of Mexico (Probosque) announced that the forest fire registered in the vicinity of the Nevado de Toluca National Park, since last weekend, was finally liquidated.

After the liquidation and rescuing of the forest fire that arose in the vicinity of Xinantécatl, brigadistas proceeded to the valuation tour to verify the impact of the damage, the state agency said through its social networks.

However, so far, the balance of the damage in the area where the fire was registered or the possible reasons that motivated it had not been disclosed yet.

Until the afternoon of February 16th, the fire had already been controlled but not completely suffocated, after the work carried out by the Probosque brigades, of the National Commission of Protected Natural Areas (CONANP), of the municipalities of Toluca, Zinacantepec and Calimaya, In the State of Mexico.

According to Estado de Mexico state authorities the fire has been controlled 100% percent.

Personnel from the Lightning Air Rescue Group were added to the work; State Civil Protection, as well as the National Guard.

It is worth mentioning that Probosque announced that, at the same time, brigade members of the agency were fighting other forest fires in the municipalities of Xalatlaco, Atlacomulco, San José Villa de Allende, Valle de Bravo, San José del Rincón, and Otzolotepec.

Source: OEM

Mexico Daily Post