In Simojovel, Chiapas ejidatarios take the Palacio Municipal retaining two officials


They claim that despite presenting serious irregularities since 2012, the official who was treasurer back then has remained as a trustee ever since.

San Cristóbal de Las Casas.- Seven communities of the municipality of Simojovel, took over the facilities of the municipal presidency, due to the breaches of the mayor Viridiana Hernández, in the lining of the road section Simojovel-Pueblo Nuevo Sitalá, campaign promises of 2018, in addition, that for this reason the Government Delegate José Juan Maldonado and his assistant René Marina Franco were detained.

Simojovel mayor Viridiana Hernández

The retention of the delegate, they indicate, is due to the fact that they have asked to intervene for attention and dialogue “and neither does anything so that the president fulfills her commitments and attends to the communities because in minutes it was stated that today we will meet in Simojovel in the municipal presidency with the presence of the mayor, but she did not comply, she did not appear once more to show her face and listen to the demands of the people ”.

The above was what caused the annoyance of the residents, so they agreed to take delegate Juan Maldonado Camacho to the new town of Sitalá, “until Viridiana Hernández and Gildardo Martínez, former trustee, fulfill their promise and ask the state authorities and congress to act and heed the call of President Andrés Manuel to put an end to corruption.

Source; El Heraldo de Chiapas

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