San Luis Potosi University participates in Finnish model for nursing students


SAN LUIS POTOSÍ, SLP., – The UASLP School of Nursing and Nutrition intends to implement the “Smart Nurse” methodology, a project of the Tampere University of Applied Sciences (TAMK) in Finland.

The Faculty of Nursing and Nutrition of the Autonomous University of San Luis Potosí is part of the Erasmus + program (European Region Action Scheme for the Mobility of University Students) and participates in the implementation of the “Smart Nurse” project led by the Tampere University of Applied Sciences (TAMK) based in Finland in coordination with six more universities from various countries.

Dr. Claudia Elena González Acevedo, a researcher at the FEN-UASLP, explained that its objective is to develop the competencies of teachers and students in Digital Nursing, as well as improve knowledge in the areas of health promotion, prevention, and management of nursing practice. 

“We intend to implement the methodology called Smart Nurse in the education of those who will be the new nursing professionals, through training both for teachers or in the research area, as well as that this methodology can be used in the curriculum of the Faculty and that it does not remain only as a research project ”, she affirmed. 

The preparatory work began in 2019, the project was approved on November 15, 2020, and should conclude on November 14, 2023, for which there is a budget ceiling of 974 thousand 898 euros that will be exercised by the participating educational institutions.

Resultado de imagen de UASLP

Along these lines, Dr. González Acevedo reported that the group is headed by the University of Tamk in Finland, but with the collaboration of the University of Ljubljani, from Slovenia; the Evangelical University, the General Gerardo Barrio University and the Specialized Institute of Higher Education in Health Professionals, of El Salvador; while for Mexico the Autonomous University of Aguascalientes and the UASLP participate.


San Luis Potosi Post