San Cristóbal de las Casas begins the de-silting of rivers, streams, and tributaries

  • • Continuation of the work undertaken in the second half of 2020.
  • • The goal: Complete dredging and de-silting in May.

San Cristóbal de las Casas, Chiapas- As part of the de-silting of rivers, streams, and tributaries undertaken in the second half of 2020 in San Cristóbal de Las Casas and with the aim of mitigating the risk of flooding in the next rainy season, The Public Works Directorate of the San Cristóbal de Las Casas City Council began, in the La Isla neighborhood, the 1st stage of dredging corresponding to 2021.

La Merced y San Ramón san cristobal de las casas

Víctor Hugo Tovilla Borraz, Director of Municipal Public Works reported that, as of this February 5 and until April 24, the work of cleaning and desilting will be carried out in the Yellow River, in the Peje de Oro stretch to the Juan Sabines boulevard.


According to the schedule, from March 1 to April 17, the de-silting works will be carried out in the Fogótico river (from the San Nicolás ranch to SEDEM); from April 15 to 30, in the canal of the El Campanario neighborhood; From April 1 to 30, the Chedraui River will be attended; from April 1 to May 22, Quinta San Martín stream; from April 5 to May 22, the Navajuelos stream; from April 26 to May 31, the river of the Las Gardenias neighborhood and from May 10 to 22, the channel of the San Rafael neighborhood.

Tovilla Borraz warned that there are sections that are difficult to access, as there have been invasions of federal areas: “There are homes that are in high-risk areas, we cannot enter there. In those areas we will try to do as much as we can with personnel, without machinery ”, and asked the state and federal authorities to follow up on the complaints presented by the City Council.

Resultado de imagen de La Merced y San Ramón san cristobal de las casas

The municipal official asked the support of citizens to get involved in the care of rivers and streams: “We need citizens to form vigilance committees in coordination with the City Council to mitigate these adverse effects on the city” and avoid littering to the tributaries: “With solid waste, plugging arises and also influences the azolve that begins to be generated around these islands that are formed. We see all kinds of garbage, tires, mattresses, even stoves ”.

Resultado de imagen de SAN CRISTÓBAL DE LAS CASAS dragados

For his part, Marco Antonio Díaz Martínez, representative of Colonia La Isla, confirmed that the de-silting started in the place requested from the Public Works Directorate and pointed out: “This is precisely where the river leaves; here is the martyrdom of the colony, and it is already being dredged ”. In addition, he mentioned that they are seeking to form a neighborhood vigilance committee: “We already spoke with the representative of La Merced and San Ramón, we are missing the representative of the Barrio de Mexicanos. 

We are going to talk to the neighbors who live on the banks of the river so that they can notify us when someone throws garbage or rubble.


San Cristobal Post