Migrants end up disappointed in the job offer and salaries in Quintana Roo


Uqroo study reveals the majority cannot improve their standard of living or economic.

Despite the improvement in the profile of migrants, who arrive in Quintana Roo with hopes of a better future, the type of employment and wages in tourist cities has not changed much.

The recent study “Internal migration and labor dynamics in the tourism industry of the Riviera Maya” published in 2020, warns that people are unable to improve their standard of living, either economically, or in the type of education or care, they can provide to his children.

“These issues hinder their return, either to visit or permanently to the place of origin, due to lack of vacations or poorly paid wages, in addition to the unconstitutional and illegal contractual relationships between employer-worker,” say the researchers Anastacio Gustavo Fernández Rodríguez, Mariana Figueroa de la Fuente, Ariel Ramón Medina Alonso, and Mirna Yasmín Pacheco Cocom, from the University of Quintana Roo, Playa del Carmen campus.

As part of the study, those responsible analyzed 445 final questionnaires, taking into account people from Yucatán, Campeche, Chiapas, Tabasco, Veracruz, Mexico City, as well as the state of Puebla, as well as local migrants from other municipalities of Quintana Roo.

Some of the results it produced were that 67.4% had emigrated for the first time; 19.4% have done it for the second time; 7.9% for the third time, while 5% have done so more than four times.

“This seems to indicate that the majority have found stability in their first departure from their place of origin and have settled in Quintana Roo. In these migratory flows, regularly, those who emigrate travel accompanied (56.6%), on other occasions independently (40.4%), and 2.9% held back from responding. Those who travel accompanied usually do so with relatives (44%), with a friend (11%) and with an acquaintance (3.4%); They did not issue any response in 41.6%. ”, they detail.

Regarding the time of returning to their place of origin, the frequency reported was once a year in 36.2% of the participants. Most of the reasons stated were due to lack of vacations or holidays and the high cost of traveling to their place of origin.

“This result indicates that, despite having found job stability, the costs of living in the entity are high; on the other hand, it would be necessary to verify what type of contracts the workers are subject to, in accordance with what is stated in the Federal Labor Law in its Chapter II ”, the researchers affirmed.

Job offer in Cancun is not enough to give work to everyone

(Karim Moisés)

Authorities acknowledge that 50% of those looking for a job fail in the attempt.

Five out of 10 people fail in their attempt to find work through the various job placement programs in Cancun .

According to the Economic Development Directorate of the municipality of Benito Juárez, just last year, due to the economic crisis caused by the COVID-19 pandemic, 14 thousand 77 people sought support to find employment, but only about 50 percent succeeded.

Enrique González Contreras, head of the agency, pointed out that the creation of jobs was due, to a large extent, to hotel occupancy, which at the time exceeded 60%, together with the volume of operations that the International Airport of Cancun that exceeded 400 inbound and outbound flights.

“This has made it possible to link people with job offers as much as possible, although we still have a lot to do, people who are looking for work .”

The official explained that these labor links occurred through two modalities: in person at the offices of the General Directorate of Economic Development –which were closed from March to June–; and remotely either through WhatsApp and the “ Empléate web ” platform, which began operating on October 22, with 1,500 vacancies.

To these modalities is added “Employ yourself in your neighborhood”, a job fair that will be held every Wednesday in different parts of the municipality. In the first edition of last January 6, 250 vacancies from five companies were offered for the 125 attendees.

“The objective is that we get closer to the population areas, so we will not be doing these fairs in the center to avoid crowding of people and, therefore, COVID-19 infections.”

González Contreras trusted that this scheme works, because by holding these events in the various neighborhoods of the municipality, they will avoid using public transport, considered a source of COVID-19 contagion.

In addition, to avoid crowds, it has also been decided to bring a small number of companies that will serve attendees, who can go without an appointment.

Source: sipse.com

The Cancun Post