Scientists study new seismic activity in the Chichonal volcano, in Chiapas


The National Seismological Service has registered a total of 22 earthquakes in a radius of 35 kilometers, for which a group of scientific experts was consolidated to analyze the recent activity.

Given the seismic activity registered since last December 24 in the surroundings of the Chichonal volcano, in Chiapas, the Mexican government integrated a group of specialists to expand the measurements and scientific records on this phenomenon to protect the population, which they called to remain calm and attend to the results of the studies.

Redalyc.El Chichón volcanic complex, Chiapas, México: Stages of evolution  based on field mapping and 40Ar/39Ar geochronology

The group is made up of scientists from the National Seismological Service of UNAM, the National Center for Disaster Prevention (Cenapred), the University of Colima (UC), the University of Sciences and Arts of Chiapas (Unicach), as well as the Coordination National Civil Protection of the Government of Mexico, under the instruction of the National Civil Protection Coordination (CNPC).

In response to the request of Laura Velázquez Alzúa, head of the CNPC, it was agreed that to protect the neighboring population, geological-structural studies will be carried out, in addition to installing a local network of seismic sensors in the vicinity of the volcano, updating the permanent seismic stations, take spring water samples for chemical analysis, as well as to measure the gas it emits.

Also, it was agreed to reinstall a geodetic network with global positioning instruments, thermographic image capture, as well as obtaining photogrammetric data through aerial vehicles (drones), among other activities.


The group of specialists, scientists, academics, and civil protection professionals agreed to carry out this type of action to detect, confirm or rule out any change in the seismic activity of that region of the country or of the volcano itself.

“As well as to identify the most likely scenarios and, with this, facilitate the civil protection authorities and the Mexican government taking actions to protect the communities surrounding this area of ​​the country,” the authorities said in a statement.


San Cristobal Post