Due to the pandemic, gastronomic market turned into the first drive-in theater in Oaxaca


After remaining 10 months without operating, this project decided to expand its scope and adapt to resist the crisis derived from the health emergency; the intention to encourage local consumption and provide spaces for artisans, say entrepreneurs.

Oaxaca de Juárez.— In January 2020 Javier Campos started an ambitious project in which the intention was to promote a gourmet market concept that would open the door to local consumption from the acquisition of food and, sales spaces for local entrepreneurs, from artisans to textile designers.

Then, they were unaware that a virus was advancing on the other side of the world and that in a short time it would be known as a pandemic due to the Covid-19 disease. Much less did he imagine the impact it would have on health and the economy in the world, and of course for that of Oaxaca.

A year has passed since then and during that period the market and concept that he created together with three other partners, called Las Mesitas, remained closed until December 23, when they finally decided to open. During all those months, they had to bear the payment of the rent of the establishment, in addition to the rest of the investments related to the infrastructure and maintenance of the place.

Faced with this crisis, and with the urgent need to start recovering the investment, it was that he and his partners had the idea to occupy the part that works as a parking lot as a drive-in theater, the first in the state; idea that also was compatible with the health emergency because it allows attendees to enjoy a movie from inside their vehicles and thus avoid any risk of contagion.

“The gourmet market started a year ago, in January 2020. We started with the project without knowing that the issue of the pandemic was coming. So we thought that it would only be the food stalls, the shops, the products of entrepreneurs, to support and promote local consumption and this part (where the drive-in now operates) would be public parking ”, says Javier, who at that time did not he imagined that a year later he would be operating an entirely different business.

“The pandemic came and as a result of that, we came up with the great idea of ​​making and forming a drive-in theater, which would be part of an extra activity of the market, which would only be on weekends to attract our customers,” he says.

A cinema in which it can be seen from the vehicles also has the intention of linking customers with the products and foods that are sold in the gourmet market and that they consume them differently.

“That they had a pleasant time watching a movie, and with the theme of the pandemic, that they could be in their vehicle, with their family, with the people they know, without having to go to a cinema as such, which is a closed place” , the enteprenour said.

Por pandemia, transforman un mercado gastronómico en el primer autocinema  de Oaxaca | Oaxaca

Javier Campos is originally from Chilpancingo, Guerrero, and for 10 years he has lived in Oaxaca where he has managed to promote various projects. He affirms that the state adopted him in a very good way and in some way, he considers that he has been able to respond in gratitude to the people who have supported him, and put up the name of Oaxaca: “We people from outside can do it too,” he says.

Las Mesitas gourmet market has 24 spaces, of which 15 are for the sale of food and nine for the sale of artisan products ranging from gold jewelry to textiles, as well as spaces for local entrepreneurs who are dedicated to the design of dresses. A group of Oaxacan artisans will also participate in the project.

The intention, he reiterates, is to encourage not only local consumption but also to provide spaces for artisans and the initiatives of young Oaxacan entrepreneurs.

During the day, the drive-in location is used as a public parking lot, and on weekends afternoons, Friday, Saturday and Sunday, the nine-by-six-meter screen is displayed to show the films with two performances per day.

Each function has capacity for 15 cars and to live this experience it is necessary to book through their social networks, due to the limited space. Also, its cost is affordable and much lower compared to a traditional movie theater. The first function of each day is for children and the second is aimed at an adolescent and adult audience.

Por pandemia, transforman un mercado gastronómico en el primer autocinema  de Oaxaca | Oaxaca

“It has been a great investment and we hope the poeple like it. We were almost completely unemployed for a year. We hope that people come, once they know this concept.

“Today the pandemic hit us all in general, but if we do not help each other we will not get ahead, we cannot stand in our houses, we have to learn to live with the pandemic, somehow, ”Javier Campos expresses with emotion.

Source: eluniversal.com.mx

The Oaxaca Post