Quintana Roo Health Personnel 100 percent vaccinated


Quintana Roo becomes the first Mexican state to achieve a 100 percent vaccination rate for health care personnel and is now working on an antigen test strategy for tourists

Quintana Roo, Mexico. — Officials in the state of Quintana Roo are working to ensure international visitors have access to the necessary Covid-19 tests required to enter the U.S.

The Secretary of Tourism, Marisol Vanegas Pérez, says they are working on a strategy so that as of January 26, the required Covid-19 tests can be applied in hotels and airlines.

“The strategy is complete with training, with tests endorsed by COFEPRIS and the Institute for Epidemiological Diagnosis and Reference and will be carried out in hotels with the proper validation and protocol for the facilities,” explained Vanegas Pérez.

Passengers at Cancun International adhere to strict health protocols

The Minister of Tourism announced that as of now, there are more than 70,000 guaranteed rooms where tourists can take the antigen test inside the hotels. The tests are preformed with specialized medical equipment that work in partnership with laboratories.

Quintana Roo governor Carlos Joaquín, explained that the application of these antigen tests will prevent the cancellation of trips. He says a promotion scheme will be created for all countries, mainly the United States, ensuring them that citizens can come to Quintana Roo, to the Mexican Caribbean and have the necessary tests available to return to their home countries.

Carlos Joaquín stressed that last week, more than 300 flights a day were maintained at the Cancun International Airport with a significant number of seats and larger aircraft, including Boeing 767 and 777.

100 percent of the state’s front line health personnel have been vaccinated

The governor also pointed out that Quintana Roo is the first state in the country to meet the vaccination goal. He said in the first allocation, the state received 4,875 doses of the vaccine and that the application of the total number of vaccines received has already been completed.

According to the National Vaccination Strategy, the state received 4,875 doses on January 12, to which 100 percent has been applied to front-line health professionals.

Source: RMN