Public hospitals in Morelia Michoacan 100% saturated


The capital is the only one of the 113 Michoacan municipalities with a red flag due to Covid-19

The hospital occupation for the care of patients with Covid-19 in the Ministry of Health of Michoacán (SSM), the Mexican Institute of Social Security (IMSS), and the Institute of Social Security and Services of State Workers ( ISSSTE ) in Morelia are 100 percent.

In the state capital, the converted beds for patients with Serious Acute Respiratory Infections (SARI) reached 96% occupancy, reducing the top alerted in public hospitals, by those registered in the private sector that reports 85%, according to to the data provided by the SSM through the official communication channels.

Morelia is the only one of the 113 Michoacan municipalities with a red flag for having a maximum risk of contagion due to the sustained spread of the virus, with 8,681 confirmed cases, 552 active, -49 new just this Wednesday- and 698 deaths.

The authorities reiterated their call to the population to stay home, go out only if necessary and adopt preventive measures such as the use of mouth covers, maintain a healthy distance, as well as constant hand washing or disinfection.

“Since it is the human being who transports and spreads the disease, minimizing the interaction is the only way to stop the uninterrupted rise in the incidence of cases,” they asserted.


Michoacan Post