Cashier gives birth inside Oxxo store in Nuevo León, it was a girl


The woman began to feel severe pain and took refuge in the warehouse of the store until the paramedics arrived.

MONTEMORELOS, NUEVO LEÓN (January 10th, 2021).- A woman gave birth to a girl on the evening of Sunday, January 10th, inside an Oxxo store, in downtown Montemorelos, Nuevo León. 

Civil Protection paramedics from this municipality attended the report and supported the delivery that took place at the branch of this convenience store located at the intersection of Zaragoza and Bustamante streets, in Montemorelos, Nuevo León.

A source from the corporation said that they arrived at the scene after the emergency call, but given the circumstances, they had to attend to the woman right there, as they did not have time for the transfer.

The mother was identified as Virginia Guadalupe Escobedo, who is a cashier at the store and was working when she began to go into labor.

The events were recorded around 10:30 p.m. on Sunday, January 10th, when the store was already closed, due to government restrictions to prevent Covid 19 infections.

The woman began to feel severe pain and took refuge in the warehouse of the store until the paramedics arrived minutes later.

In the middle of this room full of beer boxes and packaged snacks, the woman was able to give birth to a healthy baby girl who came into this world inside the premises of an Oxxo convenience store.

The mother and the newborn were later transferred to the General Hospital of this town for further medical evaluation.

According to a World Bank report, annually the Mexican population increases 1.1%, which places the country among the 10 most populous countries in the world.

6,000 Mexicans are born every day, on average, and the government must spend 282.1 million pesos a day to provide them with services, said the report, dated July 11, 2020, World Population Day.

Source: SIPSE

Monterrey Daily Post