Tapachula Chiapas citizens demand Mexico border agents seal the southern border


The population fears a lack of control in cases of contagion due to the uncontrolled entry of the population into the region

The uncontrolled entry of migrants to this southern border has exacerbated social problems and increased health risks due to the Covid-19 pandemic, in Tapachula as the main city in this region, so the federal authorities must change the strategy not to allow migration to increase insecurity, said Miguel Grajales, a member of the Citizen Observatory.

He said that it is necessary for the Federal Government to set its eyes on this forgotten border, given that, although some migrants seek a better standard of living by obtaining a job, another part of them have also been part of the problems. that plague this city.

And it is that the migrants who are stranded in this city remain reluctant to comply with the health protocols due to the Covid-19 pandemic, a situation that increases the risks of contagion, however, neither the health nor migration authorities have been able to control this problem.

He pointed out that another of the problems that disorderly migration has brought with it is insecurity, so it is necessary to apply an adequate strategy on this southern border, and more so now that there is the announcement of a new caravan of migrants that will leave Honduras.

Mexico illegal migration

On the other hand, he expressed that the authorities should socialize the problems to try to solve them since situations such as insecurity, ambulance and the lack of garbage collection are aspects that are afflicting this city, but there is no citizen participation in proposals to solve them.

He indicated that there are groups, schools, fronts, associations, and other social sectors that have ideas and proposals to achieve a better city; however, it is regrettable that the authorities act unilaterally and do not listen to the voices of the people.

Miguel Ángel Grajales Estrada explained that a civil society group, which does not belong to any political party, met a few years ago to form the Tapachula Citizen Observatory, which intends to raise proposals to improve the conditions of this city; since there are Citizen Advisory Councils, which have only served to take a photo with the rulers.

He concluded that recently insecurity and the problem of ambulance have been permanent issues on the municipal agenda, so it is essential that society has active participation to contribute with the government to find solutions.

Source: elheraldodechiapas.com.mx

San Cristobal Post