Mayor Renán Barrera confirms that there will be no Carnival in Mérida on 2021


This year the Carnival will be replaced with symbolic, online and non-massive activities

Due to the COVID-19 pandemic, the mayor of Mérida, Renán Barrera Concha, confirmed that this 2021 the Mérida Carnival will not take place, however, it is proposed that a symbolic event and other interactive activities be held virtually.  

The mayor indicated that it is analyzed how the resource that was used for the event could be rethought. “It is not a surplus but a resource already spent,” he clarified.  

Since last November 2020, Barrera Concha indicated that the cancellation of several cultural events was contemplated due to the reduction of the budget destined for the municipality, and among which were the Mérida Fest and the Carnival.  

With regard to Carnival, the municipal president specified that the celebration would not take place in 2021, “at least not in the format we are used to.” He pointed out that the Merida Carnival is an event that brings together one million people throughout all its activities, he explained.  

In turn, he indicated that it is contemplated to do some activities related to this holiday virtually and that in the coming days more information will be given, but specified that there would be no mass events, it would be something similar to the adjustments that were made with the traditional Alborada, within the framework of the 479th anniversary of Mérida.

“Of course, there cannot be a Carnival as we are used to until there are safety and health conditions for the people of Yucatan,” Barrera Concha said.  

“There will not be a Carnival queen or king this year, but there will be other types of recreational activities -among other events- that will soon be announced in greater detail, Mayor Renand Barrera Concha concluded.

Source: Jornada Maya

The Yucatan Post