Authorities in San Cristóbal de Las Casas deny the restriction of traffic to athletes in mountain areas


San Cristóbal de Las Casas.- After the information was disseminated through social networks that states that San Felipe Ecatepec authorities have established restrictions without consulting the general assembly of Comuneros, they denied those statements and assured that they maintain free pass, as long as they do respect the sanitary restrictions and they exhorted in case of being sanctioned to go file a complaint according to the laws in the state and competent authorities.

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“Concerning the false information we do not know who issued these provisions, so we request and exhort the general public that, when their rights are affected, aggrieved and violated, they go to the prosecutor’s office to make their corresponding complaint and to avoid that this type of illegal activities continues”.

In a document signed by members of the Commissariat of Communal Assets Josué Cuauhtémoc Ozuna Bermúdez, Alejandra Gómez Pérez, president and alternate; Gerardo Pérez Pérez, Alejandra Flores López, secretary, and alternate; Jerónimo García Pérez and Venicia Pérez Pérez, treasurer and alternate, invited citizens to attend on Tuesdays of each week at the offices of the San Felipe Ecatepec Communal Property Police Station, and Rural Agency No. 75, from Monday to Friday From 5 to 8 pm, for any matter that needs to be dealt cordially and always maintaining a good relationship with everyone.

Jaguar Adventours (San Cristobal de las Casas) - 2020 All You Need to Know  BEFORE You Go (with Photos) - Tripadvisor

In the letter also signed by those who are in the Municipal Rural Auxiliary Agency number 50, Marcelino Vázquez Pérez, agent; Roberto Hernández Gómez, substitute; Roberto Vázquez Pérez, judge and Marcelina Pérez Pérez, substitute, as a reminder that they should only be respectful, not throwing garbage, not ingesting alcoholic beverages and not carrying out any illegal activity that affects nature, social peace, or the tranquility of those who live in San Felipe Ecatepec.

About the message spread on social networks that said that mountain cyclists and athletes had been prohibited from traveling to the mountains of San Felipe and that they only had access to the bridge that crosses the Cuota Tuxtla Gutiérrez highway- San Cristóbal, and that those who ignored it, would be credited with a fine of one thousand pesos, which according to the authorities is false.

It has also transpired that those who are limiting access belong to the National Coordinator of Indian Peoples of San Felipe Ecatepec (CNPI San Felipe), which, according to some residents of that part of San Cristóbal, is the group that has maintained tension between the inhabitants as they are against the legally constituted authorities and recognized by the assembly.


San Cristobal Post