Guanajuato, epicenter for the 2021 season of the Inter-Bajio Motocross Championship


From January to November 11 tests will be run, six of them in our entity and León will have a double date

Guanajuato; January 2, 2021.- The state of Guanajuato will be the epicenter of the 2021 season of the Inter-Baja Motocross Championship.

From January to November, 11 races will be run, six of them in our entity and León will have a double date, this on March 20 and 21 and then on September 11 and 12, both stages taking place on the track located on the road to Cuerámaro.

But in addition to the capital of Cuerera, other cities “Guanajuas” that this serial will also visit are: San Francisco del Rincón with the inaugural competition on January 17 and 18, Acámbaro on May 15 and 16, as well as San Miguel de Allende on 12 and June 13, but will also receive the penultimate round that will take place on October 23 and 24.

The rest of the calendar is made up of places such as Morelia (February 20 and 21), Toluca (April 24 and 25), Purépero (July 10 and 11), San Diego de Alejandría (August 21 and 22) and the grand final again on Moreliano soil (November 20 and 21).

The categories called for this championship endorsed by the Mexican Motorcycle Federation (FMM) are those of tradition: MX1, MX2, MX Master, N1, N2, N3, Master 30, Master 40, Master 50, Female, Youth 85cc, Children 65cc and Infant 50cc.

The incursion of just over 150 riders from various states in the center of the republic is expected and for now, due to the Covid-19 pandemic, the first events would be taking place behind closed doors, only with exclusive access to competitors, members of the teams and staff.

Interbajío Motocross Championship

Season 2021

Venue Date

San Francisco del Rincón January 17 and 18

Morelia February 20 and 21

Leon March 20 and 21

Toluca April 24 and 25

Acámbaro May 15 and 16

San Miguel de Allende June 12 and 13

Purépero July 10 and 11

San Diego of Alexandria August 21 and 22

Leon September 11 and 12

San Miguel de Allende October 23 and 24

Morelia November 20 and 21


San Miguel Post