Cartel war escalates in Sonora


They assassinate the operator of “El Chapo” and an ally of Caro Quintero

The attack occurred when he was aboard his vehicle in Caborca Sonora

On Saturday afternoon, Ignacio Páez Soto, an alleged operator of the Sinaloa Cartel and an ally of Rafael Caro Quintero, was shot to death in Sonora.

Fotos: Le propinan más de 50 balazos a Ignacio “Nacho” Paez Soto, operador del Chapo Guzmán

According to local media, the armed attack occurred around 1:07 p.m. when the 47-year-old man was outside a store in the Centro neighborhood.

Asesinan al "C1" en Sonora; presunto socio de "El Chapo" Guzmán

In this regard, the Table for the Construction of Peace in Sonora reported that Joaquín “El Chapo” Guzmán’s operator was aboard a Volkswagen Passat vehicle when he was assassinated.

Images released about the homicide show that the unit in which he was found received various gun hits on the windshield and bodywork.

Some witnesses claim that an armed commando descended at full speed from a Cherokee truck and opened fire on Páez.

At the time of the attack was his wife, as well as their eight-month-old baby, who were treated by paramedics, the woman due to a nervous breakdown, and the baby had minor injuries.

The alleged criminal leader of the Sinaloa Cartel in the Sonoran municipalities of Caborca, Pitiquito, Altar and Sásabe, among others, in 2016 had been sentenced by the Third District Court, based in the city of Hermosillo, to 20 years in prison for crimes against health related to the transfer of drugs to the United States.

His capture occurred in October 2013 by elements of the Federal Police during an operation in the town of Pitiquito, where firearms and drugs were seized.

This day it was reported that he died after receiving more than 50 gunshot wounds; his body was transferred by personnel from the Forensic Medical Services (Semefo).

Elements of various corporations went to the place of execution and simultaneously a coordinated operation of the three levels of government was deployed to locate those responsible.


The Sonora Post