The positivity rate, that is, the risk of acquiring the virus is high since it reached almost 65 percent
Public and private hospitals in the Guadalajara Metropolitan Area (ZMG) and in the interior of the state during Christmas Eve treated more than a thousand patients hospitalized for symptoms of Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome, coronavirus, Sars-CoV-2.
In Jalisco, the positivity rate, that is, the risk of acquiring the virus is high since it reached almost 65 percent. As for the general hospital occupancy, it is placed at 33 percent, that is, three points more than last week.
According to the IRAG Network Information System, the hospitals that are in the red, that is, with a capacity of 78 to 100 percent are the Puerto Vallarta Regional Hospital, the Guadalajara Regional Military Hospital, the Zapopan Military Infirmary at 100 percent.
The General Hospital of Zona de 14 Guadalajara, the General Hospital of Zona 7 in Lagos de Moreno of the IMSS are at 97 and 96 percent of their capacity, respectively.
The Real San José Hospital (private) and the General Hospital of Zone 89 in Guadalajara, are at 85 and 78 of their hospital capacity, respectively, that is, eight out of 10 beds are occupied with patients with Covid-19 in its serious form.

On the other hand, the hospital outlook, according to data from the coronavirus platform, in Jalisco until December 24 there were 1,042 hospitalized patients.
The largest number are registered with the Mexican Social Security Institute (MSS) with 603, of which 348 have a confirmed laboratory study and 255 are under study.
In the second instance, the Jalisco Health Secretariat (SSJ) with 175 patients, of which 109 are positive and the rest under study, followed by private hospitals with 112 patients, 98 already have studies, these hospitals have also been oversaturated.
Fourth, are the medical units of the Hospital Civil de Guadalajara (HCG) Fray Antonio Alcalde and Juan I. Menchaca with 108 patients, 72 with confirmed studies and 36 in process.
In the Institute of Security and Social Services of State Workers (ISSSTE) there are 44 patients, at the last cut seven were confirmed by Covid-19.