Mayors of Oaxaca block roads to the capital city


Mayors of six municipalities blocked access to Oaxaca in protest of the lack of municipal payments by the state government.

Huchitán, Oax. In the absence of compliance with agreements with the state government regarding resources called “Financial Sanitation”, municipal presidents related to the National Regeneration Movement party (Morena) from six towns on the Isthmus of Tehuantepec, accompanied by various sectors, have been for more than 12 hours of keeping the main roads in this area blocked, which prevents access to the capital of Oaxaca and the states of Chiapas and Veracruz.

In this regard, the government of Oaxaca, through the General Secretariat of the Government, issued a statement in which it called on the municipal authorities to conduct themselves with civility and privilege dialogue to restore peace in the Isthmus region, also he stressed that before the request of the 33 authorities to carry out a financial reorganization program for the amount of 300 million they request, it is impossible for the Government of the State of Oaxaca to cover it.

The first road blockade was installed on Tuesday night at a bridge called “El Caracol” over the Pan-American federal highway and from that moment there is no road to the capital of Oaxaca, while the other five closures began this Wednesday. They assure it will be indefinitely, it is worth mentioning that the other 24 councilors simultaneously carry out actions and demonstrations in various regions of the entity.

Antonino Morales (San Blas Atempa), Emilio Montero Pérez (Juchitán), Vilma Martínez Cortés (Tehuantepec), Juan Carlos Atecas (Salina Cruz), Uryel Bautista (Mixtequilla) and Francisca Antonio (Comitancillo) stated that 10 days ago they held a meeting with the governor of Oaxaca, Alejandro Murat, where they requested a response to the lack of payments in the municipalities.

They urgently demanded payment of bonuses, support for the field, as well as the agreements established with other municipalities, since they assured that the federal government has already released the resource.

“We come to demand that the state government fulfill the commitment that was carried out 10 days ago, the Federal Government has already fulfilled it and the governor must keep his word, I have always stated that he is a man who does not comply, but today here with many mayors that are not from the governor’s political line, he does not give us a solution to our problems, ”said the mayor of the Villa de San Blas Atempa Engineer Antonino Morales Toledo.

Morales Toledo also referred that, within each municipality, there are various problems, but they have remained on the sidelines of not colliding and not having political differences, “but they close the doors, Governor it is enough !”.

Emilio Montero Pérez, municipal president of Juchitán de Zaragoza, apologized to the general population for these impacts but said it is necessary to make the public aware of the lack of agreements by the state government.

“More than 20 municipal presidents went to the federal government palace to make the irregularities known to the state government, since for more than 10 days there was a meeting with the state executive, where the 33 municipal presidents of the Isthmus region and other localities made a proposal to the State Government, asking to be an interlocutor to seek financial sanitation resources to address various problems “.

Montero Perez added that the state government promised to be a connection and before the arrival of Andrés Manuel López Obrador, the proposal was made, and the sanitation resource reached the state, and now they are asking that this agreement be fulfilled.

“Be serious in the proposals that are made, because it was discussed in a formal way, we municipalities do not blackmail, we do not extort the State Government, and what we are doing is an approach that we have been doing and that benefits the entire region of the Isthmus ”, said the mayor Emilio Montero.

Francisco García López, head of the SEGEGO, said that the instruction of Governor Alejandro Murat Hinojosa is to privilege dialogue to conciliate conflicts in the entity, highlighting that in this administration work is done for Oaxaqueños, without distinction of colors or party ideology, as long as the citizenship is not affected.

“Regarding the Christmas bonus payments to personnel who have a working relationship with each city council, it is the responsibility of the same and not of the government of the State of Oaxaca, since in the absence of a direct employment relationship it is impossible to cover the budget”.

Finally, he stressed that it is impossible for the state administration to cover the amount of 300 million pesos that they request to clean up the finances of the municipalities of San Blas Atempa, Comitancillo, Mixtequilla, Matías Romero, Santa María Petapa, Ixhuatán, San Jacinto Amilpas, Salina Cruz, Valle Nacional, Huajuapan, San Pedro Pochutla, Tehuantepec, Cuilapam, Nochixtlán, Juchitán, among others, because there is no budget item for this concept.


The Oaxaca Post