Santa Lucía Airport construction workers block road to demand Christmas Bonus


Construction workers at AMLO’s controversial International Airport General Felipe Angeles (aka Santa Lucia Airport), demand payment of Christmas bonuses by the companies who hired them, and blocked the Nextlalpan- Xaltocan highway for five hours on Saturday, December 19th.

More than 70 workers blocked the road between one and six in the afternoon and demanded the presence of representatives of the contractor companies since they stated that according to the federal labor law they have the right to get Aguinaldo (Christmas bonus) and other collateral benefits.

The workers concentrated on front number 2 of the construction site, in the area near the train track of ​​the town of San Miguel Xaltocan, between Nextlalpan and Tonanitla, where they demanded a solution to their requests.

Personnel from the Ministry of National Defense (Sedena) spoke with the protesters and clarified that the federal agency has no debts with the workers.

The protesters agreed to be employees of contractor companies but insisted that they had not received their Christmas bonuses and requested the mediation of the federal agency.

The workers insisted that they have the right to the payment of Christmas bonuses and other benefits. And they remained on the road which they blocked with objects and set fire to logs to maintain the roadblock.

The dialogue with the workers concluded when the representatives of the federal agency agreed to speak with the contractors so that their labor demands could be addressed on Monday; With this response, the blockade was lifted and the protesters left the scene.

It turned out that some of the 0workers are working on the construction of the highway that will connect the airport with the Circuito Exterior Mexiquense (CEM) highway.

Source: OEM

Mexico Daily Post