Protecting the migratory creatures of Mazatlan


Conselva invites foreign bird watchers residing in Mazatlán to be part of a binational project for the conservation of migratory birds in southern Sinaloa.

The requirements to participate in the workshop are:
 Be at least 20 years old.
 Reside in Mazatlán partially/temporarily.
 Commitment to attend all sessions of the workshop.
 Adequate physical condition to carry out field practices.
 Vehicle to move around to different natural points in the vicinity of Mazatlán.
 Access to a computer with internet connection.
 Register at and wait for confirmation email.


Conselva.AC Coffee-Meeting FRIDAY DEC 18
Those interested in participating in the workshop are invited to an information session.
 Friday, December 18
 3:00 pm
 Rico’s Café Olas Altas

Conselva invites the foreign community of birdwatchers in Mazatlan to be ambassadors for bird conservation.

Escuinapa (Photo:

Open invitation to the bird monitoring workshop:

Protecting migratory birds in Mazatlan“: is a workshop for birdwatchers that seeks to improve birdwatching knowledge and
skills, in addition to promoting the identification of threats faced by migratory birds and designing strategies for their conservation, which will be disseminated with the resident foreign community of Mazatlán.

If you want to learn more about Conselva and help or support their projects go to

The workshop sessions will be held in the Priority Region for Conservation “Monte Mojino”, in Concordia, where a large number of endemic and migratory birds will be observed.

The deadline to register for the workshop is January 15, 2021, with the first session being held on Thursday, January 28, 2021. Subsequent sessions will be scheduled biweekly, during the February-April 2021 period.

The workshop activities are completely free


If you want to learn more about Conselva and help or support their projects go to

Conselva, Costas y Communities, A. C. is a nonprofit civil association that operates in the Presidio and
Baluarte river basins, the only sources of water for southern Sinaloa. We work to promote citizen, business
and government action in a comprehensive agenda that ensures the availability and quality of water for the people of Sinaloa.

If you want to learn more about Conselva and help or support their projects go to

Source: Conselva

The Mazatlan Post