Oaxaca implements smart traffic lights for CityBus


The Governor of Oaxaca, Alejandro Murat, began to work on the modernization of the traffic light system with smart technology in 48 intersections at the west corridor of the CityBus, which will comprise 12 kilometers from the San Lorenzo Cacaotepec to the municipality of Santa Cruz Xoxocotlán.

Alejandro Murat da inicio a los trabajos de semaforización inteligente del corredor poniente del CityBus Oaxaca

The modernization of the traffic lights required more than 49,246,000 pesos invested, as a result of the negotiations with the Metropolitan Fund that the state government carried out through the Ministry of Finance, the mobility of 195,000 public transport users will be improved in the west corridor, passing for 46 neighborhoods in the municipalities of Oaxaca de Juárez, Santa Cruz Xoxocotlán and Santa Cruz Amilpas.

The governor announced the appointment of Alejandro Villanueva López as general director of the Citybus Oaxaca. He was instructed to start operations in March of next year. “What we want is to move to a multimodal system that allows Oaxacans to move without any setback, and thus generate a culture of mobility that guarantees their safety,” said Villanueva López in the company of the Secretary of Mobility, Mariana Nassar Piñeyro, the Secretary of Administration, Germán Espinosa Santibáñez, and Secretary of Public Security, Ernesto Salcedo Rosales.


Mariana Nassar Piñeyro explained that these works at the Pueblo Nuevo Terminal are part of an integral action that includes the installation of 580 vehicular and pedestrian traffic lights, 216 audible signals for people with visual disabilities, and 32 buttons to activate the pedestrian phase. These improvements strengthen the sense of belonging and perception of security in the public, and the quality of life of all citizens.

Alejandro Murat da inicio a los trabajos de semaforización inteligente del corredor poniente del CityBus Oaxaca

“The intervention to be carried out for the special CityBus stops, together with the reengineering of traffic lights and signage, will change the image of the Central de Abasto and the city. Our main objective is for Oaxaca to grow. At SEMOVI we build better conditions for the mobility of pedestrians; mainly for women to safely exercise their mobility as well as for our youth, children, and the elderly ”, she indicated.

Alejandro Murat da inicio a los trabajos de semaforización inteligente del corredor poniente del CityBus Oaxaca

Source: milenio.com, oaxaca.quadratin.com.mx

The Oaxaca Post