Los Cabos at risk of returning to orange covid traffic light


BAJA CALIFORNIA SUR: Derived from the call for attention from the public regarding the fact that not the entire population of Los Cabos is respecting the health protocols, CPS Noticias undertook the task of knowing the mobility of the population at peak hours, discovering that it is present very active and without applying the corresponding care.

As a journalistic medium, we went to one of the most active pedestrian crossings of the Municipal Headquarters which is located at the height of the transpeninsular highway in the Guaymitas neighborhood where we could see an important vehicular flow, as well as saturated public transport and the population too close between them at stops.

In addition to this, several people were on the public highway without the respective use of the mask and were in the company of children who were not wearing the mask either.

It is worth mentioning that the authorities of the three orders of Government have repeatedly urged the population to respect health protocols so that Los Cabos is placed on a green traffic light and with this economic activity recovers a little more Otherwise, the municipality can return to an orange traffic light before the end of the year, which represents restrictions on the economy and the closure of turns, which will have a direct impact on the pocket of citizens.

Source: tribunadeloscabos.com.mx

The Cabo Post