Murders in Campeche rise 8%


Last year, 79 homicides were committed, compared to 73 in 2018, revealed Mexico United Against Crime

According to the Mexico Homicide Atlas 2019, published a few days ago, in the state governed by Carlos Miguel Aysa during 2019 there were 79 people killed, and in 2018 the number was 73; that is, an increase of 8%.

“In 2019 Campeche had the third lowest homicide rate in the country. The number of victims, however, increased 8% compared to 2018, essentially due to the 79% increase observed in Ciudad del Carmen, which accounts for just over half of the murders occurred in the state. In fact, among the municipalities of Campeche, it also had the second highest homicide rate, only below Candelaria (47,965 inhabitants)”, the report states.

Of the total victims, 69 were men and 10 women, and the municipalities with the most cases were: Ciudad del Carmen with 43, Campeche and Candelaria totaled 12 in each one, and Escárcega with 6.

Meanwhile, by homicide rate per 100,000 inhabitants, the first place went to Candelaria, follow by Ciudad del Carmen, Palizada, Escárcega and Calakmul.

“On the other hand, a similar and relatively high average age is observed in male and female victims (40 years), the aggression patterns were different according to the sex of the people killed. While men were mainly assaulted on public roads (38% of cases), five of the 10 homicides of women were perpetrated inside homes”, says the report by México Unido contra la Delincuencia.

Compared with other states, although the most frequent of the aggression was by firearm, a relatively important proportion of murders of men were committed with a sharp object (25%) and for women by physical force (three out of the 10 deaths were by hanging, strangulation or suffocation).

Meanwhile, Inegi reported that last year the crime incidence rate in Campeche was 16.9 per 100,000 inhabitants.


Campeche Post