Geovanna, a trans woman from Oaxaca, is found dead


The community of sexual diversity demands justice for her murder.

Juchitán, Oax.- Seven days ago, on November 25, Geovanna Angulo Ramos, a 27-year-old transgender woman, disappeared in San Agustín Etla. This Tuesday his body was found in the Suchilquitongo Etla dam, justice authorities confirmed.

The face of Geovanna Angulo Ramos was known after a location card issued by the Unit for the Search for Missing and Unavailable Persons of the Oaxaca General Prosecutor’s Office, since she had been missing since last Wednesday .

Geovanna’s transfemicide is the first to be recorded in Oaxaca so far in 2020, however, her murder is integrated into that of 477 other women and girls whose lives have been violently taken so far by the government of the PRI member Alejandro Murat Hinojosa, according to Ges Mujer reports.

The feminist organization reported that 25% of the 94 women murdered in 2020 have been violently and their bodies have been found in vacant lots, ravines, lonely towns, dirt roads, in the garbage dump and in clandestine graves.

“What happened with Geovanna, finding her in a dam, represents a dehumanization of her body and therefore should be considered as a transfemicide.”

Geovanna’s transfemicide caused outrage on social networks where her friends and family, through the hashtag #JusticiaparaGeovanna, demanded to find those responsible and called on the justice authorities to stop the violence that is being experienced in the entity.

The Global Universe Mexico organization issued a message for Geovanna Ramos, whom it named “La China de Oaxaca”, because in 2019 she participated in the beauty contest organized by this Mexican group with international stature.

“Today the Global family is in mourning for the unfortunate death of our colleague Geovanni Ángulo Ramos who gave life to Geovanna Ramos, ‘La China de Oaxaca’. God keep you in his holy glory and enjoy the eternal rest. My condolences to our coordinator Axel Cruz, his family and friends. Rest in peace”.

Data from the organization Letter S, which carried out an analysis of the increase in violence against trans populations included in the LGBT + range, reported that Mexico, only after Brazil, is the second most lethal country in Latin America against these populations.

Letter S pointed out that during the government of the PRI Enrique Peña Nieto (2012-2018), 473 hate crimes were registered, of which only 261 were against trans women.

Your collaboration is requested to search for the citizen GEOVANNA ANGÚLO RAMOS@FISCALIA_GobOax @AEI_Oaxaca @PolVial_GobOax @Police_GobOax @SafeMunicipality @SSP_GobOax @VFGZonaCentro @ComisariaXoxo @cruzrojaoaxaca

– Unlocated Persons Search Unit (@FGEO_DNOL) November 28, 2020


The Oaxaca Post