Dollar/Peso exchange falls to 19.86 pesos, its lowest price in 9 months


The dollar is sold for less than 20 pesos for the second day in a row, given the optimism about vaccines against Covid-19 and the expectation of new fiscal stimuli in the United States.

In wholesale operations, the exchange rate is trading this morning at 19.86 pesos per dollar, a gain of 11 cents or 0.5% for the Mexican currency, being its best level in the last nine months, according to figures from the Bloomberg agency.

At CitiBanamex windows, the dollar accumulates a drop of 23 cents during December and is trading at 20.42 pesos, its lowest price since March 6, when it was exchanged at 20.37 units and the World Health Organization had not yet declared Covid- 19 as a pandemic.

The dollar is losing ground against most world currencies, due to optimism about vaccines against the virus and the expectation of both new fiscal stimuli in the United States and a peaceful transition in that country, says Gabriela Siller, an economist at Base bank chief.

In the American Union, the leader of the House of Representatives, Nancy Pelosi and the Democratic leader in the Senate, Chuck Schumer, proposed a stimulus package for 908 billion dollars as the basis for reopening negotiations with the Republicans and the White House . 

Mexico Daily Post