If you think the Yucatan Symphony Orchestra must be declared Cultural Heritage, please sign the petition


The Yucatan Symphony Orchestra deserves recognition, as a cultural symbol, after more than a century of history in which it has managed to perform on the highest stages of our country, be present at events of international stature, and delivering a significant contribution to the development of culture in the state of Yucatán.In addition to the regular concerts, as an integral part of the work of the Yucatán Symphony Orchestra, the musicians offer educational sessions aimed mainly at children and young people of different educational levels.



It is important to point out the educational work carried out by the majority of the musicians of the symphony, in different teaching centers, both public and private, promoting the training of new generations of Yucatecan musicians, who have even supported and encouraged their students for the continuation of their instrumental studies in the main musical and cultural capitals of the world.

In the framework of the recent bicentennial of our history of freedom as a country, we are at the perfect point to commemorate the emeritus history of our symphony orchestra. Our State of music and traditions has every right to consolidate the work for the benefit of the symphonic culture. This is the moment for a new awakening of the identity and soul of our artist seedbed land: the Yucatan.

The world is facing a difficult situation and needs to believe, feel, and know that there is hope, music is the food that the soul needs.

Culture is the essence of the state and must be protected.

The Yucatan Symphony Orchestra is managed by a Board of Trustees, that is part of organized civil society, so it has a high citizen component, and it’s up to the citizenship to support this initiative.


Last November, Milagros Romero and Silvia López, members of the Movimiento Ciudadano political party, presented the initiative, joined by representative Paulina Viana Gómez (a member of the PAN), and it is expected that soon more Congress representatives will join the cause.

During these days, issues related to the Yucatán Symphony Orchestra will be discussed, so all these great musicians and other members of the staff ask for your support so that the @CongresoYucatan grants OSY the recognition that the orchestra deserves.

Source: The Yucatan Times