Free internet service for students in Huatulco Oaxaca


The education of the girls, boys, and youth of Huatulco is an important item for the government of Huatulco.

Proof of this, this Saturday together with members of the Cabildo de Huatulco, the Director of Education, Mireya Ortega Lavariega and municipal agents from Bajos del Arenal, Bajos de Coyula, San José Cuajinicuil and Arroyo Xúchilt, the municipal president Giovanne González García, inaugurated the free internet service for students of said rural agencies in Santa María Huatulco.

The new project has the installation of satellite antennas, which have a speed of 25 gigabytes of speed and a coverage range of thirty meters in a radius, which will avoid that students of all educational levels have to leave their communities to fulfill their tasks and jobs in the new teaching modality that has been implemented since the health pandemic that the world is currently experiencing.

In his message, the municipal mayor Giovanne González García, said that education is a key that opens doors of success, so his administration will continue working to bring free internet to the other communities of Huatulco.

For their part, the representatives of the beneficiary agencies thanked the installation of the antennas that will provide the free internet service, as this is a great advance for their community and important support for the students.

These actions demonstrate the commitment to support and promote the education of the girls, boys, and young people of Santa María Huatulco, to ensure and support their professional future.


The Oaxaca Post