Mayor of Playas de Rosarito holds a party at the Municipal Palace


To the rhythm of northern music and with bottles of wine, the mayor of Playas de Rosarito, Aracely Brown, presided over a party on Thursday, November 19th, at her municipal palace offices.

Together with one of his main collaborators, Manuel González, head of the Revenue Collection Office, the mayor herself sang along at a meeting where bottles of wine and food.

Three musicians participated in the private meeting of the founder of Morena in this municipality on the Baja California coast, including a member of Los Tucanes de Tijuana, whose songs are banned on the American side of the border for their repertoire based on corridos alluding drug traffickers.

During a year of Morena’s management in the state, there have been several incidents of officials and representatives linked to parties where alcohol and other intoxicating drinks are served, among them the director of the CESPM, Armando Samaniego, the senator Alejandra León and the deputy Monserrat Caballero, coordinator of the Political Coordination Board of Congress and of the Morena Parliamentary Group.

Source: La Jornada

Baja California Post