Merida businesses of Paseo Montejo approve construction of bicycle lanes in the area


Plan is also supported by the College of Civil Engineers

MÉRIDA, Yucatan.- Businessmen and representatives of civil society that interfere in Paseo de Montejo approved the Ciclovías Infrastructure Plan .

The restaurant businessman Jonathan Castellanos Vargas said he was in favor of the construction of this type of road in Paseo de Montejo, as he stressed that, as a Yucatecan, what matters most to him is that what is done in the city is to improve it in favor of citizenship, but also of the businesses that are settled there.

Castellanos Vargas stressed that the changes contemplated in said State Government Plan will give a touch for the good to this important area of ​​the capital, since with this Mérida also responds to the growth and relevance that this path has taken in recent years, both for the population, as well as for visitors.

“I will never be against a project that will bring improvements. On the contrary, I join all the improvements that can be made because, we, who have businesses in Paseo de Montejo, are the most interested in improving things and now we will be seeing the operation of the bike path, “he said.

The owner of well-known restaurants in front of the Monument to the Fatherland pointed out that, at this time of the coronavirus pandemic, no one has money that is not destined for something important, so he trusted that, through this Plan, they will be carried out things as best as possible.

He pointed out that, as part of the benefits of this project, the construction of bicycle lanes that will connect the police stations with the city can also be highlighted, impacting the way many people who do it by bicycle from these points to their centers of I work in Merida.

It should be remembered that the state government will build 71.7 km of bicycle lanes in various parts of Mérida, including Paseo de Montejo, in order to achieve safe and sustainable urban mobility.

College of Engineers approves measure

For his part, Miguel Ángel García Domínguez, president of the College of Civil Engineers of Yucatán, asserted that, given the growth of the city, the authorities have tried to go one step forward, proposing solutions to face this development.

The also owner of a property in Paseo de Montejo, pointed out that many large cities in other parts of the world, especially in Europe, are changing their ordering through schemes or models of this type or that promote mobility through non-motorized vehicles.

Also, García Domínguez highlighted the importance of listening to all voices and taking into account all the options for the success of the Plan.

“It is a difficult process to try to combine political will, social needs and budget. It is a challenge to make some decisions, but you always have to go for solutions backed by technical studies,” he concluded.


The Yucatan Post