Zacatecas hits record number of infections and goes back to Red in the Epidemiological Traffic Light


Zacatecas returned to red on the epidemiological traffic light on Thursday, November 12th, (Durango and Chihuahua are also located at that level of risk), after the State Secretary of Health reported in a single day a record number of 222 infections and 23 deaths by Covid -19, including two doctors: Carlos Eduardo Medina Jara and Adaín Octavio Girón Landeros.

Governor Alejandro Tello Cristerna made public his condolences for the 23 deceased people and regretted that deaths in the state continue to increase, for which he urged the population to increase sanitary measures in order to reduce the number of infections.

Of the 222 new confirmed infections, 108 are women and 114 men; likewise, 12 patients were hospitalized, nine of them serious and three stable; while 196 people are in home isolation.

In the delegation of the Mexican Institute of Social Security (IMSS) it was reported that they are in charge of 83 patients; IMSS 93 patients; Issste 8 patients; IMSS-Bienestar 11 patients, and the remaining 27 are in private hospitals.

Among the new Covid-19 patients there are six under the age of 18; 51 people are in the 18 to 29 range; 52 in the 30 to 39; 45 between 40 and 49; 37 between 50 and 59, and 31 are 60 or older, the oldest patient is 88 years old.

The state Health Secretariat reported that of the 222 people infected in a single day, 122 acquired the virus in a community way and the remaining 100 were in contact with a positive case for Covid-19 .

The municipality with the most infections was Zacatecas, with 58; They are followed by Guadalupe, with 47, and Fresnillo, with 29. The rest are distributed in Calera, Jerez, Miguel Auza, Río Grande, Trancoso, General Pánfilo Natera, Concepción del Oro, Francisco R. Murguía, Jalpa, Juan Aldama, Mazapil, Momax, Morelos, Nochistlán, Ojocaliente and Pánuco.

Source: La Jornada

Zacatecas Post