Mazatlan will enforce Zero tolerance for businesses that violate health protocols this weekend


We are doing well with the health operations and protocols; the capacity that each business already has is maintained and for next weekend there will be zero tolerance and commerce that does not respond will be sanctioned and even closed, said the new coordinator of the “Network Operation”, Jesús Mazik García Hernández.

He recalled that the reviews have the support of elements of Public Security, Civil Protection, Traffic, among other municipal agencies.

In an interview he clarified that the arrest last week of some musicians who apparently did not comply with the protocols of healthy distance, was not given by him and that apparently it came from the Ministry of Public Security itself.

Hernández Garcia became the head of the “Operative Networks”, after a serious and responsible job in the area of ​​commerce, dependent on the Mayor’s Office.

For the long weekend, fortnight, “Buen Fin”, there will be a lot of activity in the streets, restaurants, and clubs, but “zero tolerance”, said Astrid Macías, director of the Tourist Care and Protection Center (CAPTA ), and for this a meeting will have to be held this morning to ask for the support of entrepreneurs and business owners to comply with health protocols. It is about “reinforcing” health operations, she added.

In the interview, he said that those responsible for these companies will have to be informed of the requirements; what is to be reviewed; that they are prepared so that no one “calls himself cheated”.

Macías said that they do not want the allowed capacity to be exceeded, neither inside nor outside the clubs; apply the regulation and avoid a relapse in infections. He insisted that the reason for the meeting is to keep everyone informed and informed to avoid various problems.


The Mazatlan Post