More than 60 Tijuana neighborhoods will start the week without water


For this Monday, Cespt announced that these colonies will not have water

At this point, everyone from Tijuana has had to experiment: the Cespt has several weeks programming the suspension of drinking water service in different parts of the city , each area has 9 days with water and then one without the service.

For this reason, the Tijuana State Public Services Commission has published through its social networks, the names of the neighborhoods that will remain without service on Monday, November 2 . According to Cespt, the valve closures will begin at 8:00 am on Monday and the lack of service is estimated to last 24 hours.

Through his publication, he added that “The energy crisis and the increase in water consumption due to heat, affects the reserve of the vital liquid, so CESPT’s Scheduled Pause is implemented.

So now you know, identify which area your neighborhood belongs to: by Monday it will be the one known as Section 1A (which includes neighborhoods like La Libertad, Zona Río, Calete, Gabilondo and many more). Be prepared so that the cut does not take you by surprise.

Related video These are the three ways to pay your water bill: CESPT

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