Price Travel MKT Director reported missing in Playa del Carmen


Relatives and people close to him ask on social networks to forward his photo and pray for him to be located.

“Maybe you don’t know him, but we need to spread the word as much as possible so that they recognize his face and if someone sees him, they can give us some information”, is one of the comments that comes with the photo and the request for help to locate Edgar Lorenzo Vargas Mejía, 31, who has not been seen or heard from since last Saturday, October 24th.

In social networks, dozens of publications have been shared with the image and the personal details of the director of Digital Marketing of the company Price Travel Holding, for whom they ask to join prayer chains, in addition to sharing his photo, in the hope of finding him in good health.

The State Attorney General’s Office (FGE) issued an alert for his disappearance and specifies that he was last seen on October 24 in a restaurant in downtown Playa del Carmen.

His relatives ask for support to find his whereabouts because they have not known anything about him since the early hours of Saturday, October 24th, after he went to the Porfirios restaurant, located on the corner of Fifth Avenue with 12th Street, where he was seen for the last time before his disappearance.

As particular signs, the young man is 1.85 meters tall, weighs 80 kilos, has a light complexion, black wavy hair and brown eyes, has a wart-like mole on his left temple, the day he disappeared he was wearing a light blue long-sleeved shirt with buttons to the front, beige Bermuda shorts and tennis shoes.

His relatives made his search viral on social networks and asked that if anyone knows something about his whereabouts, please call: 9848-73-01-63.

Source: El Imparcial

The Cancun Post