2020 Fresnillo Zacatecas Virtual Death Festival


With the aim of continuing to preserve Mexican traditions, in this case the customs that frame the Day of the Dead, the 2020 Fresnillo Zacatecas Death Festival will be held in virtual mode, from October 29 to November 2.

From the Municipal Institute of Culture, directed by Jovita Aguilar Díaz, the artistic program was announced, it includes about 14 events that will be offered digitally in this edition, derived from the cancellation of face-to-face performances due to the pandemic.

As part of the billboard, the festival, which is one of the most anticipated by the public of the mineral, will begin next Thursday, October 29th, at 11:00 AM with the exhibition and sale “Dulce Calavera”, from the Ex Templo de la Concepción.

The program includes conferences, skull reading, modern dances, dance and theater performances, documentary projections, among other activities.

The festival will conclude on November 2 at 6:30 pm with the participation of the Clementina Maurel Musical Initiation Center with the multidisciplinary concert “When it’s your turn even though you are in tune” (“Cuando te toca aunque te afines”).

All the programming will be broadcast on Cultura Fresnillo’s social networks, a site where people can now check the schedules of the different presentations.

Source: OEM

Zacatecas Post