AMLO may make Chiapas and Quintana Roo a “FEE ZONE”


The President asserted that he also seeks to take this program to some municipalities that were left out in Coahuila.

President Andrés Manuel López Obrador reported that he will seek to expand the North Border Free Zone program to several states in the southeast of the country so that they receive benefits such as a minimum wage higher than the rest of Mexico, VAT reduction to 8 percent, a reduction in income tax to 20 percent and the homologation of fuel and electricity prices with those on the other side of the border. 

Cananea, Puerto Peñasco y Caborca fueron incluidos finalmente en la zona  libre fronteriza | Soy Cobre

“This program (of the free zone) is unique and they are also asking me for it on the southern border, and I have the commitment that it be applied especially in Chiapas, and they are asking me in Chetumal, in Quintana Roo, that there be a free zone that helps them and I have that commitment, we are evaluating the program and it is going to be expanded, “he said. 

Chetumal sera Zona Libre: AMLO – ESTADO30

In (La Mañanera) his daily morning meetings with the press from the National Palace, he explained that “it is a program that has greatly helped the border that in a 20-kilometer strip of the dividing line, less income tax is paid, less VAT. same as the other side of the border.

The president said that is also looking to bring this program to some municipalities that were left out in Coahuila, despite being one of the beneficiaries entities. But mainly to the states in the southeast of the country “which have been abandoned and have contributed a lot

“Oil came from the southeast for decades and allowed for a public budget. For 30 years, the national budget was integrated with oil revenues,” he mentioned. 


Mexico Daily Post