Mexican wins first place in robotics contest in Japan


The engineer Raúl Duran is originally from Sonora

Around 40 students from Japan, China, the Philippines, and Mexico participated in the 38th edition of the Japanese Robotics contest, where a Mexican won first place.

It is about the Sonoran engineer Raúl Durán Jiménez, who presented a soft robot with an intelligent skin in the shape of a clamp.

En el evento participaron alrededor de 40 estudiantes de Japón, China, Filipinas y México.

The young man carried out his project during his time as a master’s student at the Kyutech Institute in Japan, and his invention gave the robot a sensation similar to the touch with human skin, which earned him Japanese recognition and makes him the first Mexican awarded in said international competition.

“It was a very interesting and learning experience since it was the first time that I took part in a contest of this magnitude, fortunately, I had the support of my advisor, Doctor Tomohiro Shibata, and my teammate, Matsumara Naoki,” said Durán Jiménez.

The robot was considered as a valuable contribution to the technology for the investigation of Artificial Intelligence and Assisted Robotics projects.

Raúl is a graduate of the Mechanical Engineering degree from the National Technology of Mexico (TecNM ) and obtained in 2019 the Monbu-kagakusho scholarship that the Government of Japan gives to Postgraduate students.

The Mexican Embassy in Japan praised the engineer on social media for his achievements.


The Sonora Post