Julio, 36, was buried while working on the construction of the well since last Friday, October 16th.
Julio Hernández Rivera has been trapped in a 10 meter deep well for 4 days in the community of Montitlán, Cuauhtémoc municipality, in the state of Colima. Last Friday he was partially buried while working on the well’s construction.
“He was breaking a stone with a hammer and the same vibration made it collapsed,” said one of the witnesses to Report AF.
Since Sunday, October 18th, agents of State Civil Protection, as well as municipal police officers of Cuauhtémoc, Manzanillo, and Tecomán, as well as the Red Cross personnel, have been working to free Julio, who reports being OK and to whom authorities give water with a hose so that he can keep hydrated.
“He says he’s fine, but he constantly wants water, or soda, but he says he’s fine,” added the witness.

Ricardo Urzúa Moctezuma, Director of Civil Protection of Colima, explained to Report AF that with the help of machinery, one of the sides of the well was uncovered to make a lateral tunnel and reach the point where Julio is located.
Three people enter the well to work, using machinery, a tube was placed that works as a special connector towards one of the walls where visual contact with the person is achieved, we are just a few meters away from the man”, Urzúa Moctezuma explained.
Although they have managed to advance in the excavation, the rescue work has been complicated. By digging up dirt they managed to free Julio’s arms, but the rest of his body remains buried.
“The compaction of the land, the size of the cavity, the whole has been getting complicated, and as it gets more complicated the strategy changes,” said Juan José Corona, director of the Civil Protection Unit of the municipality of Cuauhtémoc.

Up until Tuesday, October 20th, the rescue work continues.
Source: Animal Político