Mazatlan gets serious about recycling


Did you know that Mazatlan is venturing into the recycling and reuse of plastic? In this center, they even make boats and pallets, as well as planters and organic compost

Plastic cardboard recycling lids

Being part of the “Ola México” program, Mazatlán has a collection center for recycling.

Plastic cardboard recycling lids

Plastics are collected in one of the areas of the Bonfíl Park.

Plastic cardboard recycling lids

Through the collection and separation, said collection center focuses on segregating, compacting, accommodating and transporting any type of plastic material.

Plastic cardboard recycling lids

With the help of a compactor machine and two collaborators, the task yields up to 500 kilograms.

Plastic cardboard recycling lids

It is a whole process through which these materials must pass, so teamwork is of the utmost importance.

Plastic cardboard recycling lids

This system promotes the circular economy, that is, a monetary incentive is granted to anyone who collects plastics and delivers them to this center.

Plastic cardboard recycling lids

Thus exhorting citizens to collaborate with the environment and give our plastic products a second use.


The Mazatlan Post